96 Results Found for Keyword

About AVRE

...AVRE is a private non-profit organization that creates opportunities for success and independence...
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Equal Opportunity Employer

...AVRE is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such affirms the right of...
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Board of Directors

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Our Leadership

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Children and Youth Services

...Preparing our children for future employment is important For children who are legally...
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Employment Services

...If you are blind or visually impaired and looking for gainful employment AVRE...
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Senior Vision

...Senior Vision nbsp Currently in the United States approximately of people over are...
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Support Groups

...AVRE has multiple peer support groups throughout the area nbsp Find one near...
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Safety Data Sheets

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Nine at Night

...Nine at Night is one of AVRE s Signature Fundraising Events This is...
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Low Vision Center

...AVRE rsquo s Norman Richterman Low Vision Center is located in our facility...
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ViewPoint Retail Store

...ViewPoint Retail Store One of the many valuable services AVRE has offered for...
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Costello Scholarship

...Charles V Costello Memorial Scholarship In Mrs Beverly Costello and AVRE established the...
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Our Products

...At our Downtown Binghamton facility we manufacture manila file folders and copy paper...
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Kitting and Contract Packaging

...We partner with commercial vendors and distributors to offer a broad range of...
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Vision Assessments

...Functional Vision Assessments AVRE offers free-of-charge functional vision assessments to anyone who is...
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Latest News

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Switchboard Operations

...AVRE manages switchboard operations at two Veteran Administration hospitals in downstate New York...
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Customer Service

...AVRE is committed to providing the best product at the best price employing...
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Donate Now

...Click here to Donate Now Donate by Phone To donate by phone please...
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Consumer Stories

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Donor Stories

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Planned Giving

...A planned gift is an investment in AVRE s future It demonstrates your...
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Ways to Give

...One-time Gift of Cash or Stock Cash gifts can be made by check...
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The Foundation

...In the Foundation for Vision Rehabilitation and Employment Inc FVRE was incorporated as...
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Donor Bill of Rights

...The Association for Vision Rehabilitation and Employment Inc and its supporting Foundation for...
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Form 990

...The IRS Form is titled quot Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax...
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InSight Newsletter

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Annual Report

...Download AVRE s latest annual report below...
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NIB's Opportunity Magazine

...NIB s quarterly publication Opportunity highlights the capabilities of people who are blind...
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Staff Directory

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Contact AVRE

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Career Options

...AVRE s Business Division presents an array of employment opportunities for people who...
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Why Work at AVRE?

...Giving back to the community - Working at AVRE is not just a...
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Employee Benefits

...A competitive hourly wage or annual salary is just a part of financial...
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Surrounding Community

...A very important aspect of quality of life is where you live work...
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Meet Our Staff

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Services Overview

...Vision Rehabilitation Services AVRE provides Vision Rehabilitation Services to individuals who are blind...
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Business Division Overview

...With roots that date back nearly years we invest in our people to...
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Site Search

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Request Program Information

...Are you interested in learning more about our program services for yourself or...
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Career Opportunities

...Creating opportunities for success and independence with people who are blind or visually...
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Dining in the Dark

...Dining in the Dark is a fundraising and awareness event that provides guests...
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Required Postings

...COVID Guidance for Workplace and Homes COVID Sick Leave Employee Handbook Employee Polygraph...
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AVRE Overview

...About AVRE AVRE is a private non-profit organization that creates opportunities for success...
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Ken Fernald

Ken Fernald was found in our company directory.
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Dan Davis

Dan Davis was found in our company directory.
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Christina Dorunda

Christina Dorunda was found in our company directory.
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Diane McMillan

Diane McMillan was found in our company directory.
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Annie van der Wal

Annie van der Wal was found in our company directory.
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Nicole Anetsberger

Nicole Anetsberger was found in our company directory.
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John Ellzey

John Ellzey was found in our company directory.
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Cassie Burgess

Cassie Burgess was found in our company directory.
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Sharon Marongelli

Sharon Marongelli was found in our company directory.
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Charles Gardner

Charles Gardner was found in our company directory.
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Margaret Opalka

Margaret Opalka was found in our company directory.
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Amanda Elam

Amanda Elam was found in our company directory.
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Alycia Harris

Alycia Harris was found in our company directory.
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Denise Scordino

Denise Scordino was found in our company directory.
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Stephen Comency

Stephen Comency was found in our company directory.
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Holly Tasber

Holly Tasber was found in our company directory.
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Laura Williams

Laura Williams was found in our company directory.
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Katherine King

Katherine King was found in our company directory.
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Luigi DiRusso

Luigi DiRusso was found in our company directory.
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Leadership was found in our company directory.
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Dave Ellsworth

Dave Ellsworth was found in our company directory.
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Jackie Geary

Jackie Geary was found in our company directory.
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Mallory Evans

Mallory Evans was found in our company directory.
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Ronda Girardi

Ronda Girardi was found in our company directory.
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Jennifer King

Jennifer King was found in our company directory.
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Melissa Warren

Melissa Warren was found in our company directory.
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Ethan Leiser

Ethan Leiser was found in our company directory.
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Chris Stone

Chris Stone was found in our company directory.
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Allyson Hedlund

Allyson Hedlund was found in our company directory.
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Troy Wackford

Troy Wackford was found in our company directory.
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Ken Fernald

Ken Fernald was found on our senior management page.
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Cassie Burgess

Cassie Burgess was found on our senior management page.
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Charles Gardner

Charles Gardner was found on our senior management page.
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Amanda Elam

Amanda Elam was found on our senior management page.
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Mallory Evans

Mallory Evans was found on our senior management page.
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Jennifer King

Jennifer King was found on our senior management page.
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Annie van der Wal

Annie van der Wal was found on our staff page.
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Diane McMillan

Diane McMillan was found on our staff page.
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Nicole Anetsberger

Nicole Anetsberger was found on our staff page.
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Ronda Girardi

Ronda Girardi was found on our staff page.
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Laura Williams

Laura Williams was found on our staff page.
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Margaret Opalka

Margaret Opalka was found on our staff page.
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Alycia Harris

Alycia Harris was found on our staff page.
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Allyson Hedlund

Allyson Hedlund was found on our staff page.
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JAWS Packaging Technology

...Doing the right thing for the consumer environment and supply chain has never...

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Rayovac Batteries

...Made in the USA since Rayovac batteries are the selling industrial battery They...

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Convenience Pack Copy Paper

...Our Convenience Pack Copy Paper is quot x quot bright lb multi-purpose paper...

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Manila File Folders

...Our manila file folders are constructed of durable pt stock containing post-consumer material...

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Pressboard File Folders

...Our Pressboard File Folders are made of pt heavy pressboard with expandable cloth...

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